Eggplant Companion Plants | 27 Good And Bad Companion Plants For Eggplants

Eggplant companion plants in today’s post we will learn about eggplant companion plants. Eggplant is a vegetable that is very popular with almost everyone because of its rich taste and variety of colors. Companion plants should be planted in your garden to further increase the yield and flavor of eggplant. But before planting you need to know about the right companion for eggplant.

Because not all plants are compatible, it’s important to know which types of companion plants will be beneficial for eggplant in your garden. So go through today’s post carefully to know the correct and detailed information about eggplant companion plants, hope you will be particularly benefited.

Eggplant Companion Plants

Companion plants are named based on their capability to enhance the growth, health, and productivity of the main crop. When it comes to eggplants, companion planting can give multitudinous advantages similar to natural pest control, bettered pollination, enhanced soil fertility, and effective space application.

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In this composition, we will explore some of the stylish companion plants for eggplants and the benefits they bring to the garden. Whether you’re an educated gardener looking to optimize your eggplant yield or a freshman wanting to learn further about companion planting, this companion will help you make informed opinions and produce a harmonious garden ecosystem.

Good Companion Plants For Eggplant

By understanding the concept of eggplant companion planting, you can foster a balanced and sustainable garden that not only promotes healthy growth for your eggplants but also creates a different and thriving terrain for other salutary organisms. Let’s claw into the world of eggplant companion plants and discover the prodigies they can bring to your garden.


Basil isn’t only a culinary delight but also an excellent companion for eggplants. It repels pests like aphids and mosquitoes while conducting its unique flavor to the girding soil.


With their vibrant tinges, marigolds not only add visual appeal to your garden but also discourage nematodes and beetles that can harm eggplants. Factory marigolds around your eggplants as a natural pest repellent.


Nasturtiums serve as trap crops, soliciting aphids and other pests down from your precious eggplants. Their bright flowers are an added perk, creating a visually stunning garden.

Eggplant Companion Plants Tarragon

Eggplant Companion Plants
Eggplant Companion Plants

Tarragon’s distinctive aroma helps repel pests, icing the safety of your eggplants. also, it adds a scrumptious touch to your culinary adventures.


Thyme is a protean condiment that acts as a natural nonentity repellent. By planting it near your eggplants, you can shield off pests that generally affect them while enjoying the sweet benefits of this culinary condiment.


Oregano not only enhances the flavor of your dishes but also repels pests that could harm your eggplants. Its vibrant presence adds beauty and functionality to your garden.


Rosemary is an ambrosial condiment that acts as a defensive hedge around your eggplants. It repels pests and adds an inviting aroma to your garden space.

Parsley – Eggplant Companion Plants

Parsley attracts salutary insects that prey on pests, creating a balanced ecosystem for your eggplants. It’s a culinary condiment that brings both visual and functional benefits to your garden.


Chives serve as a natural interference for aphids and other dangerous insects, furnishing a defensive guard for your eggplants. crop some chives to add a touch of newness to your dishes.


Onions repel pests and give a precious defense against insects that may damage your eggplants. Enjoy the binary benefits of onion civilization and eggplant growth.


Garlic is known for its pungent aroma and health benefits, but it also acts as a natural nonentity repellent. compass your eggplants with garlic plants to keep pests at bay.

Eggplant Companion Plants Dill

Dill attracts salutary insects like ladybugs and lacewings, which feast on pests that generally affect eggplants. Its featherlight leaves add a delicate touch to your garden.


Calendula flowers add beauty to your garden but also attract pollinators and beneficial insects while inhibiting dangerous pests. Their vibrant colors are a delight to behold.


Borage is a megastar in companion planting. Its stunning blue flowers ameliorate pollination while repelling pests that may hamper the growth of your eggplants. Enjoy the beauty and benefits of this inconceivable factory.


Catnip not only drives pussycats wild but also repels flea beetles and other insects that can harm eggplants. Plant catnip near your eggplants to produce a defensive guard.


Yarrow is a multi-purpose companion factory that attracts raptorial insects and pollinators. By growing yarrow alongside your eggplants, you produce a balanced ecosystem that promotes their growth.

Cilantro – Eggplant Companion Plants

Cilantro is a protean condiment that attracts salutary insects while repelling aphids, which can damage eggplants. Its vibrant leaves and distinctive aroma make it an awful addition to your garden.

French marigold

French marigolds produce a strong scent that repels pests and attracts pollinators, serving near eggplants. Their bright flowers produce a beautiful discrepancy in your garden.


Mint not only adds a stimulating touch to your potables but also repels pests and helps regulate the temperature around your eggplants. Enjoy the cooling effect and pest-free terrain Mint provides.


Sunflowers aren’t just eye-catching; they also attract pollinators and give shade that can benefit eggplants during hot summer months. Factory sunflowers strategically to cover and support your eggplants.

Eggplants Companion Plants Chart

The eggplant companion plants chart is given below tables:

SerialCompanion PlantsBenefits
1BasilBasil repels pests like aphids and mosquitoes while enhancing the flavor of eggplants.
2MarigoldMarigolds deter nematodes, beetles, and other harmful insects that can damage eggplants.
3NasturtiumNasturtiums act as a trap crop, attracting aphids and other pests away from eggplants.
4TarragonTarragon helps repel pests and provides a natural pest control method for eggplants.
5ThymeThyme acts as a natural insect repellent and can help deter pests that commonly affect eggplants.
6OreganoOregano repels pests and adds a fragrant aroma to the garden while benefiting eggplants.
7RosemaryRosemary helps repel pests and provides a protective barrier around eggplants.
8ParsleyParsley attracts beneficial insects that prey on pests, promoting a healthier environment for eggplants.
9ChivesChives deter aphids and other harmful insects, creating a protective shield for eggplants.
10OnionOnions repel pests and can help deter insects that may damage eggplants.
11GarlicGarlic acts as a natural insect repellent, keeping pests away from eggplants.
12DillDill attracts beneficial insects, such as ladybugs and lacewings, which feed on pests that affect eggplants.
13CalendulaCalendula flowers attract pollinators and beneficial insects while deterring harmful pests.
14BorageBorage improves pollination and repels pests, enhancing the overall health and productivity of eggplants.
15CatnipCatnip repels flea beetles and other insects that can harm eggplants.
16YarrowYarrow attracts predatory insects and pollinators, creating a balanced ecosystem for eggplants.
17CilantroCilantro attracts beneficial insects and repels aphids, benefiting nearby eggplants.
18French marigoldFrench marigolds produce a strong scent that repels pests and attracts pollinators to benefit eggplants.
19MintMint repels pests and provides a cooling effect that can help regulate the temperature around eggplants.
20SunflowersSunflowers attract pollinators and provide shade that can benefit eggplants during the hot summer months.

Bad Companion Plants For Eggplants

While companion planting offers multitudinous benefits to eggplants, there are certain plants that may not be ideal companions. These” bad” companion plants for eggplants can hamper their growth or attract pests that could beget damage there are many such exemplifications.


Both eggplants and potatoes are members of the nightshade family, making them susceptible to analogous pests and conditions. Planting them together increases the threat of spreading and amplifying these issues.


Fennel can inhibit the growth of near plants, including eggplants. It produces chemicals that can hamper the development of bordering plants.


Kohlrabi is known to contend with other plants for nutrients and space, which can negatively affect the growth of eggplants.


While strawberries can be a pleasurable addition to any garden, they can attract pests similar to slugs and draggers that may also target eggplants.


Analogous to potatoes, peppers belong to the nightshade family and are susceptible to analogous pests and conditions. Planting them alongside eggplants can increase the threat of infestations and conditions.

Cabbage family( cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower)

These plants release substances that can inhibit the growth of eggplants and may contend for coffers, leading to suppressed growth.


Beans are known to fix nitrogen in the soil, which can affect inordinate nitrogen situations that can hamper the fruiting of eggplants.

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It’s important to note that while these plants may not be stylish companions for eggplants, they can still be grown in separate areas of the garden to avoid any negative relations. By understanding which plants can potentially harm eggplants, you can make informed opinions when planning your garden layout and maximize the chances of success for your eggplant crop.

Finally About Eggplants Companion Plants

Companion planting is a holistic approach to gardening, and incorporating these 20 companion plants alongside your eggplants can significantly enhance their growth, health, and productivity. From basil to sunflowers, each factory brings unique benefits similar to pest control, bettered pollination, and a harmonious garden ecosystem.

By creating a different and balanced garden terrain, you reduce the need for synthetic fungicides and foster a more sustainable approach to gardening. So, harness the power of companion plants and watch your eggplants thrive as they interact with these salutary abettors. Embrace the beauty and functionality of companion planting and experience the bountiful prices it brings to your eggplant garden. Happy gardening!

Eggplants Companion Plants Questions (FAQ)

What should you not plant next to eggplant?

It isn’t recommended to plant potatoes, fennel, kohlrabi, strawberries, peppers, or plants from the cabbage family( cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower) coming to eggplants.

What grows well with eggplant?

Basil, marigold, nasturtium, tarragon, thyme, oregano, rosemary, parsley, chives, onion, garlic, dill, calendula, borage, catnip, yarrow, cilantro, French marigold, mint, sunflowers are some plants that grow well with eggplants.

Do eggplants like onions?

Yes, eggplants generally do well when planted near onions. Onions can help repel pests and discourage insects that may damage eggplants.

Does eggplant like fertilizer?

Yes, eggplants profit from fertilization. furnishing proper nutrients through toxins helps support their growth and overall health.

Is urea good for eggplant?

Urea can be used as a nitrogen toxin for eggplants. still, it’s important to use it in temperance and follow the instructions on the packaging, as inordinate use of urea can burn the plants or negatively impact their growth. It’s judicious to consult original gardening guidelines or a gardening expert for specific recommendations on urea operation for eggs.


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