Best Companion Plants For Tomatoes

best companion plants for tomatoes

From the best companion plants for tomatoes, you will get a very good idea. We listed the best companions for tomatoes in this post. There are plants that work well together and plants that need to be separated. Joining the two groups in a garden plan is often difficult, especially in a small space. Planting tomatoes with partners is much easier than trying to plant the whole garden with good partners. Supplemental seeding refers to the practice of planting different plants nearby to improve nutrient uptake, provide pest control, promote pollination, and increase crop production. While scientists call the idea of ​​companion planting “pseudoscientific” because it has not been scientifically validated, many seasoned gardeners endorse their carefully compiled lists of companions. The associated plantation is at the same time an experience, folklore, and wishful thinking.

Looking for the best companion plants for tomatoes? Most of the companion planting lessons come from gardeners who have experimented with pairing plants with some success. However, there are many variables that can affect the effectiveness of companion plants. Fortunately, tomatoes pair well with many popular green vegetables. Some complementary plants are reported to help improve the health and vitality of tomato plants, others improve the flavor of tomatoes, and other complementary plants are believed to protect and deter pest insects and disease. You will probably be growing some of these plants anyway. So why not experiment for yourself and use some of them as complementary herbs for your tomatoes.

Best Companion Plants For Tomatoes

Finding the best companion plants for tomatoes is not easy. Many plants are touted to improve the health, vigor, and flavor of tomatoes. All of these characteristics are difficult to measure as there is little scientific research to support the claims and many other factors may be involved. Even so, it is worth trying them out in your own garden.

The good companion plants for tomatoes are amaranth, asparagus, basil, cleome, cosmos, cucumber, garlic, beans, borage, calendula, carrots, celery, chives, lemon balm, lettuce, calendula, mint, nasturtium, onion, parsley, peas, sage, and pumpkin. The details about the best companion plants for tomatoes are discussed below:


Growing tomatoes and basil companion plants. The basil is a great tomato companion in the world. It is also one of the most important partners for tomato companion plants for the garden. Basil repels insects, improves growth, and improves flavor. Repels mosquitoes and flies including fruit flies.

Related: Tomato Companion Plants | 32+ Ideas


Garlic is the best companion plant for tomatoes. It can help to reduce disease, protect plants and soil from disease. Garlic repels spider mites. Garlic sprays help fight downy mildew.


Cucumber is the best companion plant for tomatoes. I think you might be really surprised to learn about cucumbers also produce several allelochemicals. It can inhibit growth. With the cinnamic acid being in the best studied. Cucumbers can be commonly used as a weed control tool for your companion plants.

Coriander best companion plants for tomatoes

Corianders are good companion plants for tomatoes. The coriander is in the same plant family. Plantin coriander is another valuable resource of nectar for predatory insects. It can feed on many common tomato pests in companion plants. You can grow coriander in and around your garden and let it some flower after a moderate harvest.


Lettuce appreciates shade when the weather warms. Not only does it benefit from being planted in the shade of larger tomato plants, but it also provides a living mulch that helps keep the soil cool and moist.


Borage improves growth and flavor and repels tomato worms. For improvement of the better growth of your tomato plants, you can use these companion plants.

Bee balm

Bee balm chives, mint, lemon balm, and parsley improve health and flavor. Be careful when planting lemon balm, lemon balm, and mint as they can become overwhelming.

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Carrots are the best companion plants for tomatoes

Carrots planted near the tomatoes will help loosen the soil. If the carrots are planted too vigorously, they may not grow as tall as they should, but they will still taste great.


Nasturtium not only looks good when planted with tomatoes, but it also serves as a fruit trap for aphids. It is also an edible flower which is a delicious and flavorful addition to salads.


Amaranth helps protect against pests by attracting beneficial predatory insects. This flower is very nice looking for your garden. It can give you an extra look at your garden.


If you looking for the best flower companion plant for tomatoes, then Marigolds are the best companion. It can make your vegetable garden very beautiful. Also, marigolds repel pests and reduce root-knot nematodes in the soil.

Plants That Helps With Tomatoes Companion


The asparagus is very helpful for your tomato companion plants. Tomatoes repel the asparagus beetle. Tomatoes repel asparagus beetles with a chemical it called solanine, and asparagus helps to clean the plant-soil of root-knot nematodes that attracted to tomatoes.


The aroma of cultivated tomatoes helps repel pest insects. You can use this companion plant for better pest control of your plants.

Roses are the best companion plants for tomatoes

Tomatoes can protect roses from black spots. You can put it together or use a spray. To make a spray, mix the tomato leaves together, then dilute with 4 to 5 pints of water. Add a tablespoon of cornstarch. Use the spray on the rose petals when you can’t plant tomatoes next to them. Some people think maybe it’s the cornstarch that does the trick here.

Bad Companions for Tomatoes


The corn worm is the same as the tomato worm (Helicoverpa larva). Growing near plants susceptible to the same pests can lead to disasters and a decimated garden.

Cabbage or Brassica Family

All cabbage relatives prevent tomato plants from growing (including broccoli, Brussels sprouts, cabbage, cabbage, cauliflower, kale, kohlrabi, kohlrabi, and turnip.

Check: Onions Companion Plants | Onion Companion Planting Chart


Ripe dill plants inhibit the growth of tomato plants. Plant the dill you want to sow away from your tomatoes.


Fennel excretes a substance from its roots that inhibits the growth of the tomato plant. This discharge also affects many other garden plants.


Don’t plant tomatoes under walnut or hickory trees, which produce an allelopathic chemical called juglone, which inhibits the growth of tomatoes and all members of the nightshade family. Tomatoes are also prone to the diseases of nut wilt.

Eggplants, Peppers, and Potatoes

Like tomatoes, these plants belong to the nightshade family and are prone to early and late tuber rot, which can build up in the soil and get worse every year. Avoid planting them near or in place of each other for at least three years. Cornett worms (Manduca quinquemaculata, larval stage of the 5-pointed hawk moth) like the leaves and fruits of tomatoes, peppers, and eggplants and can quickly decimate plants. Planting tomatoes near potatoes can also make potatoes more prone to rot.

Learn More About Best Companion Plants For Tomatoes

If you want to learn more about planting companions, you can follow two excellent books for this topic, Carrots Love Tomatoes by Louise Riotte and Great Garden Companions by Sally Jean Cunningham. Cunningham’s book is quite informal and informative. The book focuses on the garden. Cunningham groups its vegetables together in neighborhoods and makes it a bit easier to find the right partners.

Carrots Love Tomatoes has helped raise awareness of the accompanying plantation. Riotte has extensively studied all types of plants, from vegetables to weeds. This book can be used as a text in the classroom. If you like this post then please share it with your social media friends.

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