Fascinating facts about Italian culture

In this article, you will get a clear concept about Italian culture. Italy is located in south-central Europe. It consists of a peninsula formed of high-heeled boots and several islands with a total area of 301200 square kilometers. The main islands are Sicily to the south and Sardinia to the northwest. The south and the Alps to the north are the Mediterranean Sea. A mountain range of the Apennines is located in the center of the peninsula. The fertile Po Valley is to the north. It is responsible for 21% of the total; On the other hand, 40% of Italy’s area is mountainous and 39% is mountainous. The Mediterranean climate is temperate, with fluctuations caused by mines and mountainous regions in general. The mountainous terrain of Italy has led to the creation of many independent states. In addition, agriculture in much of the country was dominated by subsistence and led to deforestation. Since the Second World War, many Italians in rural areas have followed the industrial economy.

Rome was a natural choice for the capital in 1871 when the modern state united after the annexation of the Papal States. Rome recalls the ancient greatness and unity of Italy under the Roman government and its position as the center of the Catholic Church. All about Italian cultures are below:


In 1998, the population of Italy was about 57 million. The population growth rate is 0.08%, with a mortality rate of 10.18 per 1,000 and a birth rate of 9.13 per 1,000. Life expectancy at birth is 78%. ,38 years old. Population growth was rapid after the Second World War with the industrialization of the country.

Most of the inhabitants are of Italian ethnic origin, but there are also other ethnic groups, including Franco-Italians and Slovenian Italians in northern Albania and Italians and Italo-Greeks in the south. This ethnic presence is reflected in the spoken languages: dominated by Germany in South Tyrol, French is spoken in the Valle d’Aosta region and Slovenia in the Trieste-Gorizia region.

Linguistic Affiliation

The official language is Italian. There are several “dialects” spoken Italian, but taught in schools and used by the government. The Sicilian is a language with Arabic, Latin, Italian, French and Greek influences and is generally not understood by Italians. There are sectors of German, Slovenian, French and other speakers.


The Italian patriotism is largely a matter of convenience. The old allegiances to the hometown persist and the country remains primarily a “geographical expression” (ie there is more identity with the region of your country than with the country of a country) to many Italians.  Italia’s Fratelli national anthem is generally considered to be something that is played at sporting events with teams from other countries. The red, green and white flag has significance for most citizens, but it has not generated so much enthusiasm. Relationships are stronger for the family. Therefore, politicians demand loyalty to the nation because of loyalty to the family and emphasize the connection with the house (“the house”).


The issue of regionalism is rife in Italy today. It was originally the object of one of the most developed countries from north to poor south. The Italian regions have their own stories for fourteen years. There are many spoken “dialects” and the customs were different from one region to another. In the time since the Risorgimento, the movement of the Italian unification, a great unity reached. There is always a difference between the north, the central region, and the south. Literacy, however, has been a common language for the norm. Television, radio, and newspapers have contributed to education by promoting a sense of national culture.

Ethnic relations Many countries and peoples have occupied Italy for centuries. The Italians displeased each of these conquerors. but some of their customs have been married and accepted. Many customs, for example in Sicily, are of Spanish origin. Italians have assimilated a number of people into their culture. The Albanians, the French, the Austrians, the Greeks, the Arabs and now the Africans, in general, have praised the peaceful social relations. This mixture is reflected in the different physical qualities of the man: the color of the skin and hair, size and temperament. Italians easily integrate new foods and new customs into the national mix. About a million foreigners live.

Food in Italian culture

The food in everyday life. Food is a way to establish and maintain relationships between family and friends. No one entering an Italian house should stop offering food and drinks. Usually, breakfast consists of hard rolls, butter, strong coffee and fruit or juice. Traditionally, a good lunch was lunch. The pasta was a staple in all regions, with soup, bread and maybe meat or fish. Dinner consisted of leftovers. More recently, the family can use the last meal as a family meal. The nap habit changes and a hearty lunch can no longer be practiced. Italian pizza is a very popular food.

There are regional differences between what is eaten and how food is prepared. In general, there are more calves in the north where meals tend to be easier. Southern cuisine has a reputation for being heavier and more sophisticated than Nordic cuisine.

Eating habits during festive occasions. There are special meals on different occasions. There is a special San Jose bread, Easter bread with hard-boiled eggs, Santa Lucia’s “eyes” for celebration, and the Seven Fish Festival on New Year’s Day. Wine is usually served with meals.


About 4% of the gross national product comes from agriculture. Wheat, vegetables, fruits, olives, and grapes are grown in sufficient quantities to feed the population. However, meat and dairy products are imported. Lombardy is perhaps the richest region of Italy. Here you will find the fertile valley of Po and Milan, the most important commercial, industrial and financial center. It is also the most important industrial area in Italy. The main products are textiles, clothing, iron and steel, machinery, automobiles, chemicals, furniture, and wine. This contrasts sharply with the southern part of the country, which has just emerged from agriculture.

After the Second World War, Italy began the great transition from agriculture to a major industrial economy. At the beginning of the 21st century, it is the fifth-largest economy in the world. Italy has recently abandoned its interventionist economic policy, which has led to periods of recession. Under pressure from the European Union, he began to deal with the federal deficit, crime, and corruption. The state has begun a significant withdrawal from its participation in economic activities. However, unemployment remained around 12% and economic growth at the beginning of the new millennium barely exceeded 1%.

Urbanism and architecture

The northern zone is highly industrialized and urbanized. Milan, Turin and Genoa form the “industrial triangle”. After the Second World War, there was a strong migration to urban areas and industrial occupations. Despite the old agricultural and rural nature of Italy’s southern Mezzogiorno, the architecture follows the urban models as well as in the more industrialized areas of Italy. The architecture throughout Italy has strong Roman influences. In Sicily, Greeks and Arabs join these influences. There is a strong humanist tone at all times, but it is a humanism touched by a deep religious feeling. There is a “familiar” feeling about the divine that often disconcerts non-Italians.

Italians tend to group together and its architecture favors this grouping. The squares of each city or village are famous for the parade of people who pass through the night with their friends and family. The public space must be used by people and its enjoyment is taken for granted.

Social stratification

Classes and castes. There is a big difference in prosperity between the north and the south. There are also the usual social classes in industrial society. Italy has a high unemployment rate and the differences between poor and rich are remarkable. All new immigrants are stand out because they come from some poorer countries. The government had a large social assistance network which has been reduced in recent years to meet the needs of the European Union. These budget cuts have affected the poorest sectors of society.

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